Saturday, March 31, 2018


Earlier in March we ventured north to Madison, WI to attend Canoecopia - the world's largest paddling expo!  Between browsing the exhibit hall, talking to gear vendors, and attending workshops we gained a lot of helpful knowledge. Madison is a great city to explore, and we are fortunate to have friends and family nearby who tipped us off to some cool places to visit. Thank you to Danielle's aunt Kristy for hosting us! Thank you to Danielle's uncle Phil and aunt 'Lisbeth for dinner! and Thank you to our friend Christopher for your tips and tricks on endurance racing!

We arrived late Friday night and checked out a few vendors before dinner. We also first laid eyes on what would become our MR340 boat. On Saturday, we spent all day at Canoecopia attending educational sessions (paddling techniques, first aid basics, proper paddling attire, etc.). We revisited our boat, and after deliberating over a glass of cold Wisconsin beer, decided to make her our own. On Sunday, before we headed home, we stopped by Underground Butcher for some local cheese and Great Dane Pub & Brewing Company for some local brew.

On March 20, 2018 at 1:20 p.m. we became proud parents of a Wenonah Escape. She is beautiful. We'll share pictures of her Maiden Voyage very soon - along with announcing her name - but in the mean time here are some highlights from our trip to Canoecopia!

Bags are packed and our show guide is printed.

Danielle is planning our workshop schedule on the way up to Wisconsin. 

We made it to Wisconsin!

After dinner with Danielle's friend, Christopher. Thanks Chris for your tips on endurance and healthy living!

In the exhibit hall.

Mosquitoes won't be a problem in our Bug Shirts!

Tying down the canoe is easy in theory...

Quick lunch at Underground Butcher.

We tried some local brew at Great Dane.

Great way to accessorize your vehicle.

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The Race: Eating an Elephant

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. That's the perspective we took for the MR340 race. We broke down the race into twelve ...